Dedicated criminal defence is indispensable, if the state turns against you
I advise and defend you in all areas of Criminal Law.
This includes in particular
- Controlled Substances Criminal Law
- Criminal Traffic Law
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Aliens Criminal Law (crimes and offences according to the Residence Act)
No matter what you are accused of – first of all, remain silent and do not obstruct your defence options! We will get an overview of the situation through inspections of files first, then we can discuss the further strategy.
I advise and defend you in all areas of Criminal Law and in all stages of proceedings.
- Controlled Substances Criminal Law
- Criminal Traffic Law
- Juvenile Criminal Law
Due to my specialised knowledge of Immigration Law, I especially defend you in case of crimes and offences according to the Residence Act.
Problems at the airport because “something was wrong with your papers”?
In the course of departure, arrival or transit situations it happens again and again that during the border control by the German Federal Police, it turns out that there is an issue with the permit or with the “other papers” of the traveller. Subsequently to this airport incident, usually a criminal investigation procedure will be initiated against you, for example due to
- Violation of passport obligation
- Unauthorised residence without required permit
- Violation against prohibition of employment by holder of Schengen Visa
- Violation of entry ban / residence ban
On the one hand, you often do not understand what the problem was after such an incident and on the other hand, it is difficult to follow up with the matter from abroad. There is uncertainty regarding the outcome of the procedure and you may worry, whether you would again face problems when re-entering Germany or even generally upon entering the Schengen Area.
I defend you in the investigation procedure with the objective to achieve the best option of termination of the proceeding and to avoid further disadvantages for your travel mobility. This way you obtain clarification and regain control over the procedure right after the “airport incident”.
Employer Compliance
As employer who employs foreign staff you can easily come into conflict with Immigration Law.
In case of administrative offence, a fine of up to 500,000 euros can be imposed on employers. Depending on the constellation, it can even constitute a criminal offence, which is punishable with imprisonment of up to three years or with a fine.
To avoid such consequences, I am happy to guide you in advance with questions and uncertainties, whether your staff holds the required work permit for the specific activities they perform. Furthermore, I am happy to advise you on further obligations for employers resulting from immigration law.
I also defend you in cases, where it is already too late for prevention counselling, because a charge has already been made.